
Xandra Dankloff | Muzi-Bel

About Xandra

My name is Xandra Dankloff. I was raised in Hapert where I started my music education. First the recorder flute, a little later the trumpet and finally I added the piano because I wanted to enrol into the Music Academy.

At the Academy I studied to become a teaching musician. Afterwards at the Pabo in Eindhoven I obtained my diploma as primary-school teacher. Many years I enjoyed teaching children of different ages in primary education. At the moment I still work at primary schools but no longer as a teacher and I do mainly administrative work.

During all these years I have been involved with music. I started playing the horn because I loved the instrument, especially because of the beautiful sound and the many possibilities of the French horn. At the same time, I went a little sideways and began playing the flute and for several years had lessons at high level.

I have played in several ensembles. In our music association in Hapert for many years I directed the wind ensemble of beginning musicians. Children who have not obtained any music diploma play together in this ensemble. Of course, here I could fully apply my teacher skills.

About Muzi-Bel

For the past years I have given support in classes of wind instruments taught by the music school Art4U at the primary school in Hapert. This led me to the idea of these workshops, however to adults. When I first tried it out with a group of adults it gave me such an energy boost that I put this idea into practice, so as to apply my teaching skills in combination with my musical talents.

Workshop Muzi-Bel

About the workshops

I give workshops to adults about wood and copper wind instruments. I do not only give information and explanations about the instruments, but the participants play the instruments too.

The instruments I use are the following: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn and tuba. Learning to blow and play the instruments together is great fun and the participants enjoy themselves a lot together. This strengthens the relationships between them.

The workshop also has space for a little music theory. The participants learn to play a piece by heart and a piece from score. Additionally, the participants receive a task related to the final presentation. Often participants receive a task beforehand.

All the above leads to a final presentation at which they play 2 or 3 pieces, accompanied by a recording of a wind ensemble.


Up to 1.5 hours: €25 per person
– Explanation instruments
– Short warm-up exercise
– 1 song
– No film recording (own recording possible)

1.5 to 2.5 hours: €30 per person
– Explanation instruments
– Warm-up exercises
– If possible 2 songs
– Movie recording

2.5 to 3.5 hours: €35 per person
– Explanation instruments
– Warm-up exercises
– 2 to 3 songs
– Film recording or concert

> Prices are exclusive of VAT
> Prices do not include travel costs

> Group size normally up to 35 people. Larger groups are also possible in consultation.
> The music to be played is determined in joint consultation.
> For the possibilities for a room and associated catering options, please contact me.

The duration of the workshop is 1.5 to 4 hours.

Participants do not need to have any music experience. If they do, I take this into consideration when choosing the instrument.

With some indications, practically everybody manages to get some sound out of the instrument. (I cannot guarantee this always is the pretty sound that belongs to the instrument).

Ofcourse hygiene is very important. All instruments are thoroughly cleaned for their next use.

Should there be any participants who are interested in following up on this first contact with a musical instrument, I can guide them towards an instrument and a potential teacher.

Extra information

The idea is for the company or the organization, in coordination with me, to find a suitable location. This can be a room inside the organization itself, or a room inside the place where the groups will remain for the rest of the day. The venue should also include chairs for all participants and six tables for unpacking the instruments. 

This workshop is ideal in combination with a dinner or a party evening. Please, do take into consideration that the workshop produces a lot of decibels and others should not be bothered by this.

Bigger or smaller groups are possible.

Prices include professional guidance, rent for the instruments, cleaning the instruments, sheetmusic.

Logo Muzi-Bel


Please contact me if you have any further questions or you want to make an appointment.